Tuesday, January 31, 2012

یکی از خصوصیات فرد متکبر : عجز و ناتوانی آدم حقیر و عقده ائی که خودشو یه دفعه در داشتن رقت آور سهمی در قدرت شریک میبینه

پیمان پایدار 

www.youtube.com دو بار به کوبا سفر کرده ام .اولین بار سال 1994(از طریق مکزیک) با یار پروئی قبلیم و بار دوم سال 2000 ,به تنهائی(از مونترال کانادا).هر بار واسه دو هفته.عاشق مردم این جزیره هستم....شور زندگی در تک تک شون جوانه زده و قابل تقدیره!زنده باد کوبای مستقل!مرگ بر امپریالیسم آمریکا,بلای جون کوبائی ها.زنده باد آنارشی, طبعا برای کوبا نیز 
Danay Suarez Yo Aprendi CD: Polvo de la Humedad Dirrection: Willberg H. Monterde Fotographia: Viktor Rising Edition: Reinaldo Chewere, Charles Cabrera http:/...

در كتاب حاجی‌آقا نوشته صادق هدايت (1323یا 1945)،
حاجی به كوچك‌ترين فرزندش درباره نحوه كسب موفقيت در ايران چنین

نصيحت مي‌كند:


توی دنيا دو طبقه مردم هستند؛ بچاپ و چاپيده؛

اگر نمی‌خواهی جزو چاپيده‌ها باشی، سعی كن كه ديگران را بچاپی !

سواد زيادی لازم نيست، آدم را ديوانه می‌كنه و از زندگی عقب می‌اندازه!

فقط سر درس حساب و سياق دقت بكن! چهار عمل اصلی را كه ياد گرفتی، كافی است،

تا بتوانی حساب پول را نگه‌داری و كلاه سرت نره، فهميدی؟ حساب مهمه!

بايد كاسبی ياد بگيری، با مردم طرف بشی، از من می‌شنوی برو بند كفش تو سينی
بگذار و بفروش،

خيلی بهتره تا بری كتاب جامع عباسی را ياد بگيری!

سعی كن پررو باشی، نگذار فراموش بشی، تا می‌توانی عرض اندام بكن، حق خودت

از فحش و تحقير و رده نترس! حرف توی هوا پخش می‌شه،

هر وقت از اين در بيرونت انداختند، از در ديگر با لبخند وارد بشو، فهميدی؟

پررو، وقيح و بی‌سواد؛

چون گاهی هم بايد تظاهر به حماقت كرد، تا كار بهتر درست بشه!...

نان را به نرخ روز بايد خورد!

سعی كن با مقامات عاليه مربوط بشی،

با هركس و هر عقيده‌ای موافق باشی، تا بهتر قاپشان را بدزدی!....

كتاب و درس و اينها دو پول نمی‌ارزه!

خيال كن تو سر گردنه داری زندگی می‌كنی!

اگر غفلت كردی تو را می‌چاپند.

فقط چند تا اصطلاح خارجی، چند كلمه قلنبه ياد بگير، همين بسه!!

بزبان دیگر, فرهنگ سیاسی اسلام ناب محمدی , همین رژیم آخوندی ولایت وقیح خامنه ای و اعوان انصارش. بیخود نبود پدر"والایشان",خمینی بیشعورمیگفت اقتصاد مال خره....و طبیعتا انسانیت هم یعنی خریت بتمام و کمال!!
پیمان پایدار

هرچند با آنارشیسم فردگرایانه خط کشی کامل دارم, چرا که واسه من آنارشیسم - کمونیستی یا همان سوسیالیسم آزادیخواهانه رهنمود راه آزادی بشریت میباشد, در اینجا واسه رفقای علاقه مند بخوندن و گسترش معرفت در این زمینه صفحه "بنجامین تاکر" را میگذارم تا از آن استفاده بهینه ببرند
نابود باد سرمایه داری-مرگ بر دین-مرگ بر دولت
زنده بد آنارشی
پیمان پایدار
Welcome to The Liberty Site,an archive of Benjamin R. Tucker's Liberty, which was the most prominent periodical of individualist anarchism in the years 1881-1908, and probably of any period. You can find all 403 issues of Liberty and the 8 issues of the German-language Libertas in pdf form.

زنده باد خود گردانی-زنده باد آنارشی در مکزیک و همه جا
cancion de advertencia lirika como homenaje a todos los actores visuales de reziztencia en la ciudad de oaxaca

به اتفاق يکي از دوستان به آرامگاه سعدی رفته بوديم. پس از خروج تابلويي تبليغاتی توجه مرا جلب کرد. موضوع، ديدار قريب الوقوع احمدی نژاد از شهر شيراز بود. دوستداران آقاي احمدی نژاد، در آستانه انتخابات با خوشحالي تمام تصوير ايشان را به همراه يکي از اشعار سعدی پيشکش کرده بودند

شعر دستکاری شده:
اولين چيزي که توجه ام را جلب کرد، اعتماد به نفس اين گروه در انتخاب شعري چنين وصف الحال در کنار تصوير محمود احمدي نژاد بود. وقتي اين موضوع را با دوستم در ميان گذاشتم، همينطور که قهقه مي خنديد، من به اين فکر مي کردم که بچه هاي محله ي سعدي هم انگار تنشان به خود سعدي خورده و لطافت طبع شان گل کرده ...و اما اين دوست ما که خودش دستي در ادبيات داشت گويا حافظه ي ادبي اش بر اثر ريسه رفتن هاي نابهنگام، تکان خورده بود و اصل شعر سعدي را به خاطر آورده بود
اصل شعر:
بخت باز آيد از آن در که يکي چون تو درآيد روی ميمون تو ديدن در دولت بگشايد
!! لينک متن کامل شعر
در اينجا چند پرسش مطرح است
...چرا طرفداران محمود در محله ی سعدی
تصور کردند کلمه ميمون يادآور حقيقتی است که هيچکس از آن آگاه نيست؟
تصور کردند اين روزها کسي اشعار سعدی را نمی خواند؟
نه به ريش محمود رحم کردند و نه به ردای کهنه ی سعدی؟



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Ten Steps for Radical Revolution in the US
Introduction~Even though the following text is not based on the revolutionary philosophy of Anarchism,it's not proposing the abolishment of the State & uprooting /erradication of Capitalism,but its way better than the super reactionary status quo in the U.S of A .That's why I reprint it here for the reader's information~PaYmaN PieDaR

By Bill Quigley, 24Jan2012, Center for Constitutional Rights and a law professor at Loyola University New Orleans
I am convinced that if we are to get on the right side of the world revolution, we as a nation must undergo a radical revolution of values. ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1967
  1. One. Human rights must be taken absolutely seriously.
    Every single person is entitled to dignity and human rights. No application needed. No exclusions at all. This is our highest priority.
  2. Two. We must radically reinvent contemporary democracy. Current systems are deeply corrupt and not responsive to the needs of people.
    Representatives chosen by money and influence govern by money and influence. This is unacceptable. Direct democracy by the people is now technologically possible and should be the rule.

    Communities must be protected whenever they advocate for self-determination, self-development and human rights. Dissent is essential to democracy; we pledge to help it flourish.
  3. Three. Corporations are not people and are not entitled to human rights.
    Amend the US Constitution so it is clear corporations do not have constitutional or human rights. We the people must cut them down to size and so democracy can regulate their size, scope and actions.
  4. Four. Leave the rest of the world alone. Cut US military spending by 75 percent and bring all troops outside the US home now.
    Defense of the US is a human right. Global offense and global police force by US military are not. Eliminate all nuclear and chemical and biological weapons. Stop allowing scare tactics to build up the national security forces at home. Stop the myth that the US is somehow special or exceptional and is entitled to act differently than all other nations. The US must re-join the global family of nations as a respectful partner. USA is one of many nations in the world. We must start acting like it.
  5. Five. Property rights, privilege, and money-making are not as important as human rights.
    When current property and privilege arrangements are not just they must yield to the demands of human rights. Money-making can only be allowed when human rights are respected. Exploitation is unacceptable.

    There are national and global poverty lines. We must establish national and global excess lines so that people and businesses with extra houses, cars, luxuries, and incomes share much more to help everyone else be able to exercise their basic human rights to shelter, food, education and healthcare. If that disrupts current property, privilege and money-making, so be it.
  6. Six. Defend our earth. Stop pollution, stop pipelines, stop new interstates, and stop destroying the land, sea, and air by extracting resources from them. Rebuild what we have destroyed. If corporations will not stop voluntarily, people must stop them. The very existence of life is at stake.
  7. Seven. Dramatically expand public spaces and reverse the privatization of public services.
    Quality public education, health and safety for all must be provided by transparent accountable public systems. Starving the state is a recipe for destroying social and economic human rights for everyone but the rich.
  8. Eight. Pull the criminal legal prison system up and out by its roots and start over.
    Cease the criminalization of drugs, immigrants, poor people and people of color. We are all entitled to be safe but the current system makes us less so and ruins millions of lives. Start over.
  9. Nine. The US was created based on two original crimes that must be confessed and made right.
    Reparations are owed to Native Americans because their land was stolen and they were uprooted and slaughtered.
    Reparations are owed to African Americans because they were kidnapped, enslaved and abused. The US has profited widely from these injustices and must make amends.
  10. Ten. Everyone who wants to work should have the right to work and earn a living wage.
    Any workers who want to organize and advocate for change in solidarity with others must be absolutely protected from recriminations from their employer and from their government.
Finally, if those in government and those in power do not help the people do what is right, people seeking change must together exercise our human rights and bring about these changes directly.

Dr. King and millions of others lived and worked for a radical revolution of values. We will as well.

We respect the human rights and human dignity of others and work for a world where love and wisdom and solidarity and respect prevail.

We expect those for whom the current unjust system works just fine will object and oppose and accuse people seeking dramatic change of being divisive and worse. That is to be expected because that is what happens to all groups which work for serious social change.

Despite that, people will continue to go forward with determination and purpose to bring about a radical revolution of values in the USA.


About author Bill is legal director of the Center for Constitutional Rights and a law professor at Loyola University New Orleans. You can reach him at


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It Can't Happen Here
Iranian Aircraft Carriers in the Gulf of Mexico

By Tom Engelhardt
- Satire -
Exclusive: New Iranian Commando Team Operating Near U.S.
 (Tehran, FNA) The Fars News Agency has confirmed with the Republican Guard's North American Operations Command that a new elite Iranian commando team is operating in the U.S.-Mexican border region. The primary day-to-day mission of the team, known as the Joint Special Operations Gulf of Mexico Task Force, or JSOG-MTF, is to mentor Mexican military units in the border areas in their war with the deadly drug cartels. The task force provides "highly trained personnel that excel in uncertain environments," Maj. Amir Arastoo, a spokesman for Republican Guard special operations forces in North America, tells Fars, and "seeks to confront irregular threats..."

The unit began its existence in mid-2009 -- around the time that Washington rejected the Iranian leadership's wish for a new diplomatic dialogue. But whatever the task force does about the United States -- or might do in the future -- is a sensitive subject with the Republican Guard. "It would be inappropriate to discuss operational plans regarding any particular nation," Arastoo says about the U.S.
January 30, 2012 "Tom Dispatch" - - Okay, so I made that up. Sue me. But first admit that, a line or two in, you knew it was fiction. After all, despite the talk about American decline, we are still on a one-way imperial planet. Yes, there is a new U.S. special operations team known as Joint Special Operations Task Force-Gulf Cooperation Council, or JSOTF-GCC, at work near Iran and, according to Wired magazine's Danger Room blog, we really don't quite know what it's tasked with doing (other than helping train the forces of such allies as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia).
And yes, the quotes are perfectly real, just out of the mouth of a U.S. "spokesman for special-operations forces in the Mideast," not a representative of Iran's Republican Guard. And yes, most Americans, if they were to read about the existence of the new special ops team, wouldn't think it strange that U.S. forces were edging up to (if not across) the Iranian border, not when our "safety" was at stake.
Reverse the story, though, and it immediately becomes a malign, if unimaginable, fairy tale. Of course, no Iranian elite forces will ever operate along the U.S. border. Not in this world. Washington wouldn't live with it and it remains the military giant of giants on this planet. By comparison, Iran is, in military terms, a minor power.
Any Iranian forces on the Mexican border would represent a crossing of one of those "red lines" that U.S. officials are always talking about and so an international abomination to be dealt with severely. More than that, their presence would undoubtedly be treated as an act of war. It would make screaming headlines here. The Republican candidates for the presidency would go wild. You know the rest. Think about the reaction when Attorney General Eric Holder announced that an Iranian-American used-car salesman from Texas had contacted a Mexican drug cartel as part of a bizarre plot supposedly hatched by senior members of the elite Iranian Quds Force to assassinate the Saudi ambassador in a Washington restaurant and possibly bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies as well.
Though doubts were soon raised about the likelihood of such an Iranian plot, the outrage in the U.S. was palpable. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton insisted that it "crosses a line that Iran needs to be held to account for." The Wall Street Journal labeled it "arguably an act of war," as did Congressman Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Speaker of the House John Boehner termed it "a very serious breach of international behavior," while House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers swore that it crossed "a very dangerous threshold" and called for "unprecedented" action by the Obama administration.
On the other hand, no one here would claim that a U.S. special operations team edging up to the Iranian border was anything out of the ordinary or that it potentially crossed any lines, red or otherwise, or was a step beyond what the international community accepts. In fact, the news, such as it was, caused no headlines in the press, no comments on editorial pages, nothing. After all, everyone knows that Iranians would be the equivalent of fish out of water in Mexico, but that Americans are at home away from home in the Persian Gulf (as in most other places on Earth).
The Iranian "War" Against America
Nonetheless, just for the heck of it, let's suspend the laws of political and military gravity and pile up a few more fairy-tale-ish details.
Imagine that, in late 2007, Iran's ruling mullahs and their military advisors had decided to upgrade already significant covert activities against Washington, including cross-border operations, and so launched an intensification of its secret campaign to "destabilize" the country's leadership -- call it a covert war if you will -- funded by hundreds of millions of dollars of oil money; that they (or their allies) supported armed oppositional groups hostile to Washington; that they flew advanced robot drones on surveillance missions in the country's airspace; that they imposed ever escalating sanctions, which over the years caused increased suffering among the American people, in order to force Washington to dismantle its nuclear arsenal and give up the nuclear program (military and peaceful) that it had been pursuing since 1943; that they and an ally developed and launched a computer worm meant to destroy American centrifuges and introduced sabotaged parts into its nuclear supply chain; that they encouraged American nuclear scientists to defect; that one of their allies launched an assassination program against American nuclear scientists and engineers, killing five of them on the streets of American cities; that they launched a global campaign to force the world not to buy key American products, including Hollywood movies, iPhones, iPods, and iPads, and weaponry of any sort by essentially embargoing American banking transactions.
Imagine as well that an embattled American president declared the Gulf of Mexico to be off-limits to Iranian aircraft carriers and threatened any entering its waters with dire consequences. In response, the Iranians promptly sent their aircraft carrier, the Mossadegh, and its battle group of accompanying ships directly into Gulf waters not far from Florida and then stationed a second carrier, the Khomeini, and its task force in the nearby Caribbean as support. (Okay, the Iranians don't have aircraft carriers, but just for a moment, suspend disbelief.)
And keep in mind that, in this outlandish scenario, all of the above would only be what we knew about or suspected. You would have to assume that there were also still-unknown aspects to their in-the-shadows campaign of regime change against Washington.
Now, pinned to Iran, that list looks absurd. Were such things to have happened (even in a far more limited fashion), they would have been seen across the American political spectrum as an abomination (and rightly so), a morass of illegal, illegitimate, and immoral acts and programs that would have to be opposed at all costs. As you also know perfectly well, it is a description of just what we do know or suspect that the U.S. has done, alone or in concert with its ally Israel, or what, in the case of the assassination operations against nuclear scientists (and possibly an explosion that destroyed much of an Iranian missile base, killing a major general and 16 others), Israel has evidently done on its own, but possibly with the covert agreement of Washington.
And yet you can search the mainstream news far and wide without seeing words like "illegal," "illegitimate," or "immoral" or even "a very serious breach of international behavior" applied to them, though you can certainly find sunny reports on our potential power to loose destruction in the region, the sorts of articles that, if they were in the state-controlled Iranian press, we would consider propaganda.
While the other three presidential candidates were baying for Iranian blood at a recent Republican debate, it was left to Ron Paul, the ultimate outsider, to point out the obvious: that the latest round of oil sanctions being imposed by Washington and just agreed to by the European Union, meant to prohibit the sale of Iranian oil on the international market, was essentially an "act of war," and that it preceded recent Iranian threats (an unlikely prospect, by the way) to close the Strait of Hormuz, through which much of the planet's oil flows.
And keep in mind, the covert war against Iran is ostensibly aimed at a nuclear weapon that does not exist, that the country's leaders claim they are not building, that the best work of the American intelligence community in 2007 and 2010 indicated was not yet on the horizon. (At the moment, at worst, the Iranians are believed to be working toward "possible breakout capacity" -- that is, the ability to relatively "quickly" build a nuclear weapon, if the decision were made.) As for nuclear weapons, we have 5,113 warheads that we don't doubt are necessary for our safety and the safety of the planet. These are weapons that we implicitly trust ourselves to have, even though the United States remains the only country ever to use nuclear weapons, obliterating two Japanese cities at the cost of perhaps 200,000 civilian deaths. Similarly, we have no doubt that the world is safe with Israel possessing up to 200 nuclear weapons, a near civilization-destroying (undeclared) arsenal. But it is our conviction that an Iranian bomb, even one, would end life as we know it.
Added to that fear is the oft-cited fact that Iran is run by a mullahtariat that oppresses any opposition. That, however, only puts it in league with U.S. allies in the region like Bahrain, whose monarchy has shot down, beaten up, and jailed its opposition, and the Saudis, who have fiercely repressed their own dissidents. Nor, in terms of harm to its people, is Iran faintly in a league with past U.S. allies like General Augusto Pinochet of Chile, who launched a U.S.-backed military coup against a democratically elected government on September 11, 1973, killing more than died in the 9/11 attacks of 2001, or the Indonesian autocrat Suharto on whom the deaths of at least half a million of his people are usually pinned.
Washington At Home in the World
Here, then, is a little necessary context for the latest round of Iran-mania in the U.S.: Washington has declared the world its oyster and garrisons the planet in a historically unique way -- without direct colonies but with approximately 1,000 bases worldwide (not including those in war zones or ones the Pentagon prefers not to acknowledge). That we do so, unique as it may be in the records of empire, strikes us as anything but odd and so is little discussed here. One of the reasons is simple enough. What's called our "safety" and "security" has been made a planetary issue. It is, in fact, the planetary standard for action, though one only we (or our closest allies) can invoke. Others are held to far more limiting rules of behavior.
As a result, a U.S. president can now send drones and special operations forces just about anywhere to kill just about anyone he designates as a threat to our security. Since we are everywhere, and everywhere at home, and everywhere have "interests," we may indeed be threatened anywhere. Wherever we've settled in -- and in the Persian Gulf, as an example, we're deeply entrenched -- new "red lines" have been created that others are prohibited from crossing. No one, after all, can infringe on our safety.
In support of our interests -- which, speaking truthfully, are also the interests of oil -- we could covertly overthrow an Iranian government in 1953 (starting the whole train of events that led to this crisis moment in the Persian Gulf), and we can again work to overthrow an Iranian government in 2012. The only issue seriously discussed in this country is: How exactly can we do it, or can we do it at all (without causing ourselves irreparably greater harm)? Effectiveness, not legality or morality, is the only measurement. Few in our world (and who else matters?) question our right to do so, though obviously the right of any other state to do something similar to us or one of our allies, or to retaliate or even to threaten to retaliate, should we do so, is considered shocking and beyond all norms, beyond every red line when it comes to how nations (except us) should behave.
This mindset, and the acts that have gone with it, have blown what is, at worst, a modest-sized global problem up into an existential threat, a life-and-death matter. Iran as a global monster now nearly fills what screen-space there is for foreign enemies in the present American moment. Yet, despite its enormous energy reserves, it is a shaky regional power, ruled by a faction-ridden set of fundamentalists (but not madmen), the most hardline of whom seem at the moment ascendant (in no small part due to American and Israeli policies). The country has a relatively modest military budget, and no recent history of invading other states. It has been under intense pressure of every sort for years now and the strains are showing. The kind of pressure the U.S. and its allies have been exerting creates the basis for madness -- or for terrible miscalculation followed by inevitable tragedy.
In an election year in the U.S., little of this is apparent. The Republicans, Ron Paul aside, have made Iran the entrée du jour on the American (and Israeli) security menu, a situation that couldn't be more absurdly out of proportion or more dangerous. In fact, when it comes to "American security," our fundamentalists are off on another rampage with the Obama administration following behind.
Just as a small exercise to restore some sense of proportion, stop for a moment the next time you hear of American or Israeli plans for the further destabilization of Iran and think: what would we do if the Iranians were planning something similar for us?
It's one small way to begin, individually, to imagine a planet on which everyone might experience some sense of security. And here's the oddest thing, given the blowback that could come from a blowup in the Persian Gulf, it might even make us all safer.
Tom Engelhardt, co-founder of the American Empire Project and the author of The American Way of War: How Bush's Wars Became Obama's as well as The End of Victory Culture, runs the Nation Institute's TomDispatch.com. His latest book, The United States of Fear (Haymarket Books), has just been published. To listen to Timothy MacBain's latest Tomcast audio interview in which Engelhardt discusses reversal scenarios on a one-way planet, click here, or download it to your iPod here.
Note: The initial "Iranian" news article in this piece was taken, with a few small changes, from "New U.S. Commando Team Operating Near Iran," a post by the intrepid Spencer Ackerman of Wired's Danger Room blog, an important place to keep up on all things military. Let me offer a bow as well to Antiwar.com, Juan Cole's Informed Comment, and Paul Woodward's the War in Context. I don't know what I'd do without them when it comes to keeping up.]
Follow TomDispatch on Twitter @TomDispatch and join us on Facebook.
Copyright 2012 Tom Engelhardt
Diebold accidently leaks 2012 election results (2)

By Jean Anne Whorton. The Onion.
The Onion
Wednesday, Jan 25, 2012

Editorial Comment: For the last 10 years Axis of Logic has consistently boycotted US national elections. Do not participate in the fraudulent 2012 elections in the United States. Do not give credibilty to a false democracy. Your most powerful vote is abstention.

Vote on your feet. Vote on the street.
~Axis of Logic Editorial Board


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"Inducing the regime change in Iran, which is Washington's end goal, still takes a pretext. .... Washington's choice of pretexts for an aggression comprises at least three options, namely (1) Iran's nuclear dossier; (2) an engineered escalation in the Strait of Hormuz; (3) allegations that Iran supports international terrorism"

"Former CIA operative Phillip Giraldi writes that the US and Israeli agents have been active in Iran for quite some time and are responsible for the epidemic of the Stuxnet virus and the series of assassinations of Iranian nuclear physicists"

The Conundrum of Iran

Leonid SAVIN | 27.01.2012 | 00:00
The EU oil embargo recently slapped on Iran and the threats voiced by the US and other Western countries to come up with further sanctions against the country led watchers to conclude that an armed conflict between Iran and the West finally became imminent.

The first potential scenario in the context is that the current standoff would eventually escalate into a war. The US forces in the Gulf area currently number 40,000, plus 90,000 are deployed in Afghanistan, just east of Iran, and several thousands of support troops are deployed in various Asian countries. That adds up to a considerable military potential which may still fall short of what it takes to keep a lid on everything if armed hostilities break out. For example, Colin H. Kahl argues in a recent paper in Foreign Affairs that, even though "there is no doubt that Washington will win in the narrow operational sense" (1), the US would have to take a vast array of pertinent problems into account.

At the moment, maintaining the status quo is not in the US interests, holds Stratfor, a US-based global intelligence agency: "If al Assad survives and if the situation in Iraq proceeds as it has been proceeding, then Iran is creating a reality that will define the region. The United States does not have a broad and effective coalition, and certainly not one that would rally in the event of war. It has only Israel ..." (2) If the conflict with Iran takes the shape of a protracted bombing campaign and comes as a prologue to the occupation of the country, the US will need to strengthen its positions in adjacent regions, meaning that Washington will be trying to draw the Caucasian republics (Georgia, Azerbaijan) and those of Central Asia into the orbit of its policy and thus tightening the "Anaconda loop" around Russia.

An alternative scenario also deserves attention. The EU sanctions would surely hurt many of the European economies -- notably, Greece, Italy, and Spain - by a ricochet. In fact, Spanish diplomacy chief José Manuel García-Margallo Y Marfil bluntly described the sanctions decision as a sacrifice (3). As for Iran, the oil blockade can cause its annual budget to contract by $15-20b, which generally should not be critical but, as the country's parliamentary elections and the 2013 presidential poll are drawing closer and the West actively props up its domestic opposition, outbreaks of unrest in Iran would quite possibly ensue. Tehran has already made it clear it would make a serious effort to find buyers for its oil export elsewhere. China and India, Iran's respective number one and number three clients, brushed off the idea of the US-led sanctions momentarily. Japan pledged support for Washington over the matter but did not post any specific plans to reduce the volumes of oil it imports from Iran. Japan, by the way, was badly hit in 1973 when Wall Street provoked an oil crisis and the US guarantees turned hollow. Consequently, Tokyo can be expected to approach Washington's sanction suggestions with utmost caution and to ask the US for unequivocal guarantees that the White House will be unable to provide. Right now the US is courting South Korea with the aim of having it cut off the import of oil from Iran.
The opposition mounted to the plans underlying the military scenario by China, Russia, and India seems to hold the promise of an alliance of countries seeking to tame the US hegemony and raging unilateralism. Stratfor analysts have a point saying that time is not on the US side, considering that the BRICs countries have some opportunities to influence the situation in the potential conflict zone by launching joint anti-terrorism and anti-piracy maneuvers in the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf etc.
Inducing the regime change in Iran, which is Washington's end goal, still takes a pretext. The US has long been eying various factions in Iran in the hope to capitalize on the country's existing domestic rivalries parallel to the employment of tested color revolution techniques such as the support for the Green Movement or the establishment of a virtual embassy for Iran. Richard Sanders, a vocal critic of the US foreign policy, opined that, at least since the invasion of Mexico in the late XIX century, the US permanently relied on the mechanism of war pretext incidents to compile justifications for its military interventions (4). US arch-conservative Patrick J. Buchanan cited in his opinion piece titled "Did FDR Provoke Pearl Harbor?" the fairly common view that the US financial circles knowingly provoked the Pearl Harbor attack to drag the US into a war with the remote goal of ensuring the dollar empire's global primacy (5). The lesson to be learned from the history of the Vietnam War, namely the Gulf of Tonkin incident in which USS Maddox entered Vietnam's territorial waters and opened fire on the boats of its navy, is that the initial conflict was similarly ignited by the US intelligence community, the result being that the US Congress authorized LBJ to militarily engage Vietnam (by the way, no retribution followed in June 1967 when the Israelis attacked USS Liberty, killing 34 and wounding 172). The morally charged concepts of humanitarian interventions and war on terror had just as well been invoked to legitimize downright aggressions against Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Speaking of the current developments around the Persian Gulf, Washington's choice of pretexts for an aggression comprises at least three options, namely (1) Iran's nuclear dossier; (2) an engineered escalation in the Strait of Hormuz; (3) allegations that Iran supports international terrorism. The US objective behind the pressure on Iran over its nuclear program - to make everybody in the world accept Washington's rules of the game -- has never been deeply hidden. The abundant alarmist talk is intended to deflect attention from the simple truth that building a nuclear arsenal with the help of civilian nuclear technologies is absolutely impossible, but Matthew H. Kroenig from the Council on Foreign Relations recently went so far as to warn that Iran would some day pass its nuclear technologies to Venezuela (6). The motivation must be to somehow bundle all critics of the US foreign policy.
The Strait of Hormuz which is the maritime chokepoint of the Persian Gulf is regarded as the epicenter of the coming new war. It serves as the avenue for oil supplies from Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, the Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates and is therefore being closely monitored by all likely parties to the conflict. According to the US Department of Energy, the 2011 oil transit via the Strait of Hormuz totaled 17 billion barrels, or roughly 20% of the world's total (7). Oil prices are projected to increase by 50% if anything disquieting happens in the Strait of Hormuz (8).
Passing through the Strait of Hormuz takes navigation across the territorial waters of Iran and Oman. Iran grants as a courtesy the right to sail across its waters based on the UN Treaty on Maritime Goods Transportation. It must be understood in connection with Washington's recurrent statements concerning the Strait of Hormuz that in this regard the US and Iran have the same legal status as countries which penned but did not ratify the treaty, and thus the US has no moral right to references to the international law. Iran's administration stressed recently after consultations with the national legislation that Tehran would possibly subject to a revision the regulations under which foreign vessels are admitted to the Iranian territorial waters (9).
Navies are also supposed to observe certain international laws, in particular, those defining the minimal distance to be maintained to vessels of other countries. It constantly pops up in the US media that Iranian boats come riskily close to US vessels but, as watchers note, provocateurs like the CIA-sponsored separatists from Iran's Baluchistan could in some cases be pulling off the tricks in disguise.
Chances are that a part of the oil embargo plan is to make the West encounter oil supply problems and start constructing pipelines across Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, Qatar, and Iraq as alternative routes reaching the shores of the Arabian, Red, and Mediterranean Seas. A few of these projects, the Hashan--Fujairah pipeline, for instance, are as of today in the process of being implemented. If that is the idea, the explanation behind Washington's tendency to convince its allies to create a "safer" pipeline infrastructure is straightforward. Geopolitics being an inescapable reality, it does have to be taken into account, though, that the region's countries remain locked in a variety of conflicts and, due to geographic reasons, Tehran would be a key player even if the pipelines are launched.
Since the new US military strategy implies focusing on two regions -- the Greater Middle East and South East Asia - the issue of the Strait of Hormuz appears coupled to that of the Strait of Malacca which offers the shortest route for the oil supply from the Indian Ocean to China, Japan, South Korea, and the rest of South East Asia. The arrangement implicitly factors into the Asian countries' decision-making related to Iran.
The precedent of "the war on terror" - a campaign during which the US occupied under dubious pretexts Iraq and Afghanistan at the costs of thousands of lives -- must also be kept in mind. Ages ago, the White House sanctioned subversive activities against various parts of the the Iranian administration, including the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution. Former CIA operative Phillip Giraldi writes that the US and Israeli agents have been active in Iran for quite some time and are responsible for the epidemic of the Stuxnet virus and the series of assassinations of Iranian nuclear physicists. The groups within Iran which aligned themselves with the country's foes are the People's Mujahedin of Iran, the Baluchistan-based separatist Jundallah whose leader Abdolmajid Rigi was arrested in February, 2010 by the Iranian security forces and admitted to cooperating with the CIA, and the Kurdish Free Life of Kurdistan (10).
In essence, a war against Iran -- up to date a secret war -- is underway. The problem the parties involved are trying to resolve is to find a way of prevailing without entering the "hot" phase of the conflict.


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"هیچ مانعی,نه قفل و یا پیچ قفلی وجود ندارد که بتونی باهاش
جلوی آزادی افکار و اندیشه ام را بگیری"
Mujeres Celebre
Virginia Woolf
(Adeline Virginia Stephen; Londres, Reino Unido, 1882-Lewes, id....
Todas las imágenes pueden estar protegidas por derechos de autor.

نظر بابا طاهرعریان در مورد اقدام گلشیفته فراهانی
به اینترنت بدیدم یک کلوزآپ / نمی دونم که اصل بی یا فتوشاپ
بدل یا اصل ، مو کاری ندارم / دلم در سینه افتاده به تاپ تاپ
خوشا آنان که پاریس جایشان بی/ درون کافه ها ماویشان بی
اگر گشتن چو بابا نیمه عریون/ خدا را شکر شلوار پایشان بی
خدایا دین تو اندر خطر بی/ دلم بازیچه ی اهل هنر بی
پشیمونم بگو تقصیر مو چیست / گناه مو فقط حظٌ بصر بی
مکن کاری که "بهزاد" ننگش آیو/ با ملاهای نادون جنگش آیو
تو بهر جایزه لغزیده پایت / در اینجا سوی بابا سنگش آیو
به کافی نت روم آنجا ته وینم/ به اینترنت روم درجا ته وینم
به هر وبلاگ و هر سایتی که آیم / نشان از قامت رعنا ته وینم
یکی لختو و یکی عریون پسنده / یکی با چادرو و تومون پسنده
به هرچه آفریدی طالبی هست/ دل مو عنچه ی خندون پسنده
مو گشتم "شیفته" بر اون"گل" ناز/ گریبونش مثال غنچه ها باز
ندونم حکمت این جلوه ها چیست/ خدایا مو برقصم با کدوم ساز
یکی آنسوی دنیا گشته عریون/ یکی اینجا شده غمگین و دلخون
گناه هر کسی بر خود نویسند/ چه باید کرد با مخلوق نادون
خدایا کار تو خوب و خفن بی/ ولی این بنده بی چاک و دهن بی
  ببخشا گر قصوری رفته از دست/ همش تقصیر این فیلتر شکن بی
 اثر فوق الذکر رو از دوست عزیزم الهه از ایران دریافت کردم...منم بلافاصله بیت زیر رو بعد از خوندش سرودم ,که میزارم اینجا شما عزیزان نیز بخوانید
بنازوم خوش سخن ایرونی جماعت -که خلق لذت بره از اینهمه لیاقت
پیمان پایدار

هنوز هم بعد از اين همه سال، چهره‌ي ويلان را از ياد نمي‌برم. در واقع، در طول سي سال گذشته، هميشـه روز اول مـاه کـه حقوق بازنشستگي را دريافت مي‌کنم، به ياد ويلان مي‌افتم
ويلان پتي اف، کارمند دبيرخانه‌ي اداره بود. از مال دنيا، جز حقوق اندک کارمندي هيچ عايدي ديگري نداشت. ويلان، اول ماه که حقوق مي‌گرفت و جيبش پر مي‌شد، شروع مي‌کرد به حرف زدن
روز اول ماه و هنگامي‌که که از بانک به اداره برمي‌گشت، به‌راحتي مي‌شد برآمدگي جيب سمت چپش را تشخيص داد که تمام حقوقش را در آن چپانده بود

ويلان از روزي که حقوق مي‌گرفت تا روز پانزدهم ماه که پولش ته مي‌کشيد، نيمي از ماه سيگار برگ مي‌کشيد، نيمـي از مـاه مست بود و سرخوش
من يازده سال با ويلان هم‌کار بودم. بعدها شنيدم، او سي سال آزگار به همين نحو گذران روزگار کرده است. روز آخر کـه من از اداره منتقل مي‌شدم، ويلان روي سکوي جلوي دبيرخانه نشسته بود و سيگار برگ مي‌کشيد. به سراغش رفتم تا از او خداحافظي کنم
کنارش نشستم و بعد از کلي حرف مفت زدن، عاقبت پرسيدم که چرا سعي نمي کند زندگي‌اش را سر و سامان بدهد تا از اين وضع نجات پيدا کند؟

هيچ وقت يادم نمي‌رود. همين که سوال را پرسيدم، به سمت من برگشت و با چهره‌اي متعجب، آن هم تعجبي طبيعي و اصيل پرسيد: کدام وضع؟
بهت زده شدم. همين‌طور که به او زل زده بودم، بدون اين‌که حرکتي کنم، ادامه دادم
همين زندگي نصف اشرافي، نصف گدايي
ويلان با شنيدن اين جمله، همان‌طور که زل زده بود به من، ادامه داد
تا حالا سيگار برگ اصل کشيدي؟ گفتم: نه گفت: تا حالا تاکسي دربست گرفتي؟ گفتم: نه
گفت: تا حالا به يک کنسرت عالي رفتي؟ گفتم: نه
گفت: تا حالا غذاي فرانسوي خوردي؟
گفتم نه
گفت: تا حالا همه پولتو براي عشقت هديه خريدي تا سورپرايزش كني؟
گفتم: نه !
گفت: اصلا عاشق بودي؟
گفتم: نه
گفت: تا حالا يه هفته مسکو موندي خوش بگذروني؟

گفتم: نه !

گفت: خاک بر سرت، تا حالا زندگي کردي؟

با درماندگي گفتم: آره، ...... نه، ..... نمي دونم !!!

ويلان همين‌طور نگاهم مي‌کرد. نگاهي تحقيرآميز و سنگين ....

حالا که خوب نگاهش مي‌کردم، مردي جذاب بود و سالم. به خودم که آمدم، ويلان جلويم ايستاده بود و تاکسي رسيده بود. ويلان سيگار برگي تعارفم کرد و بعد جمله‌اي را گفت. جمله‌اي را گفت که مسير زندگي‌ام را به کلي عوض کرد.

ويلان پرسيد: مي‌دوني تا کي زنده‌اي؟

جواب دادم: نه !

ويلان گفت: پس سعي کن دست کم نصف ماه رو زندگي کنی


 هر 60 ثانيه اي رو كه با عصبانيت، ناراحتي و يا ديوانگي بگذراني، از دست دادن يك دقيقه از خوشبختي است كه ديگر به تو باز نميگردد

زندگي كوتاه است، قواعد را بشكن، سريع فراموش كن، به آرامي ببوس، واقعاً عاشق باش، بدون محدوديت بخند، و هيچ چيزي كه باعث خنده ات ميگردد را رد نكن


داستان بالا  سالهای سال است که عصاره بینش من نیز میباشد.  

من نیز عمیقا معتقدم اونائی که همش حرص امنیت مالی رو میخورن (با خسیس بازی و تلنبار کردن ذخیره بانکی بجای استفاده بهینی از آن) زندگی که نمیکنن هیچ بلکه مرگ  و بیهودگی تدریجی رو تجربه میکنند . به زبانی دیگر وقتی ریسک نمیکنی و زندگی رو به فردا-یعنی هیچوقت-موکول میکنی, ول معطلی و حماقت محضه! حال اونکه کسانی که آزادگی رو /یشه  خود میکنن و از تمامی امکانات مادی- معنویشون(حالا هر چقدر که هست) بهترین استفاده رو میبرن سالمترین و خوشبخترین افراد هستند! خلاصه کنم × بقول اریک فروم "بودن" را به "داشتن" ترجیح دادن ,اینه معنای زندگی حقیقی و آزادمنشانه
/یمان /ایدار