Sunday, November 30, 2014

US, Canada, and Ukraine Reject Russia’s Anti-Nazi Proposal

US, Canada, and Ukraine Reject Russia’s Anti-Nazi Proposal

A Russian proposal condemning all glorification of Nazi ideology and denial of Nazi war crimes was passed by the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee. Of the 173 countries voting, 115 of them said yes and 55 abstained. The only three countries to vote against the bill were the United States, Canada, and Ukraine

Protests Shut Down ‪#‎WALMART

Protests Shut Down Walmart on Black Friday in Phoenix,Arizona
About 50 protesters took to the stores Black Friday Chanting "Hands up, Don't shoot" "Black Lives Matter" No Justice, No Profit". interrupting shopping.
ویدئو ی 52 دقیقه ای ظهور داعش
عراق و سوریه("خلیفه اسلامی" سوریه و شام)
را در اینجا ببینید.

البته در این ویدئو نقش "سازنده" (بخوان تخریب کننده و امپریالیستی : تفرقه انداز و حکومت کن) آمریکا در کمکهای بلاعوض سیاسی و نظامی به جریانهای متعدد افراطی چه درعراق و چه در سوریه که در نهایت به ظهور داعش انجامیده را نادیده می انگارد. تمامی مصاحبه ها شوندگان فقط و فقط مجرم اصلی را مالکی(مزدور و همدست ملاها) میدانند و میخوانند . انگار که آمریکا سرکردگی امپریالیستها را که ندارد هیچ بلکه یه سازمان خیریه هست و با دل و جون به رژیم عراق با حسن نیت هر چه تمام سعی داشته کمکهای دوستانه اقتصادی, سیاسی, نظامی- تسلیحاتی با مشورتهای برادرانه برای صلح و ثبات در منطقه بدهد!!! البته, ملکی, این مردک فاشیست مسلک , بدون شک, با بی اعتمادیش به سنی ها و بیرون راندنشان از قدرت زمینه ایده های داعش گرایانه را تا حد زیادی در میان سنی ها فراهم نمود ولی اینکه رهبران قبیله های سنی مذهب با جان و دل به داعش کمکهای سیاسی کنند و جوانان بیکار  به آنها بپیوندند لزوما به این سادگی نمیباشد. بدیگر سخن اگر آمریکائی ها میخواستند و مسئله شان ثبات سیاسی میبود-که هیچگاه نبوده و تا مدت مدیدی نیز نخواهد بود - قضیه سمت و سوی دیگری بخود میگرفت. جمعبندی : از آنجائی که هدف نهائی (1) برداشتن بشار اسد فاشیست بوده و هست (2) حمایت 100% از صهیونیستها و علیه بوجود آمدن کشور فلسطین (3) تضعیف ایران و پال و بر دادن تاکتیکی به عربستان و دیگر همپالگی هایشان  در مصر و قطر و...در منطقه تا آینده نامعلومی شرایط بدتر اگر نشود بهتر نخواهد شد. 
پیمان پایدار  

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Can China Contain America? : John Walsh 
Why Are Russia and China (and Iran) Paramount Enemies for the US Ruling 
John Walsh

سیمین بهبهانی : زندگی, تنهائی و نقش شخصیت در تاریخ !!....تیتر از منست : پیمان پایدار

زﻧﺪﮔﯽ ﺍﺕ ﺭﺍ ﻣﻨﻮﻁ ﺑﻪ ﺑﻮﺩﻥ ﻭ ﻧﺒﻮﺩﻥ ﺁﺩﻣﻬﺎ ﻧﮑﻦ....
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" زنده یاد سیمین بهبهانی "****************************


Friday, November 28, 2014

مختون سوت میکشه :خواندن این مقاله را شدیدا توصیه میکنم!!JFK: THE ZIONIST MANIFOLD COVER-UP


by Editor

To discover the deepest truth of the JFK assassination, one has to tear up not one, but many lies stacked on top of each other. Pealing off the government lie is just the beginning. Just like in the case of 9/11, the mainstream 'JFK truth movement' is really a cloud of partial truths meant to hide the core truth (the Zionist coup).


by Laurent Guyénot


The hijacked plot theory

In a previous article, I have argued that the 9/11 'inside job' theory is a secondary cover-up under the major cover-up of the official Bin Laden myth. I called it the 'reversible false flag'. I also proposed to solve some difficult questions by the hypothesis that a minor false flag plot orchestrated by US military intelligence had been hijacked by the Zionist-Neocon criminal network and turned into a much more dramatic event designed to blackmail the US into the War on Terror.
After researching for some years the Kennedy assassination, I have progressively come to the conclusion that the same patterns apply to the JFK assassination. This theory of a hijacked plot in the JFK assassination has been elaborated by Gary Wean, a detective sergeant for the Los Angeles Police Department, in his bookThere's a Fish in the Courthouse (1987), quoted by Michael Piper in his groundbreaking Final Judgment. Relying on a well-informed source in Dallas (identified as Republican Senator John Tower in his 1996 second edition), Wean raises the possibility that the Dallas coup was 'a double-cross of fantastic dimensions', in which a failed assassination attempt staged by the CIA had been hijacked by what he refers to as the Mishpucka (the Family,in Hebrew), the Russian Jewish Mafia, whose evil power reaching in the highest spheres Wean has been investigating for years in California. The Mishpucka wanted Kennedy dead and turned the operation into a successful assassination, then escaped investigation by hiding behind the CIA's scheme. JFK researcher Dick Russel has independently added weight to that theory by interviewing Cuban exiles who believe they had been manipulated (The Man Who Knew Too Much, 1992). The assumption is that the CIA and their Cuban exile associates intended to spare Kennedy's life but force him to retaliate against Castro.

JFK: THE                                                          ZIONIST                                                          MANIFOLD                                                          COVER-UP
Oswald poses for posterity
It was a false flag operation: Oswald, the patsy, had been groomed with the 'legend' of a pro-Castro communist activist, which was sold to the public by news media on the day of the assassination. But real snipers were added to the CIA's staged assassination, by a Zionist-sponsored network who didn't care about Cuba but wanted Kennedy dead.[1]
The hypothesis of a 'hijacked plot' (one plot inside another) is consistent with the bare facts of the JFK assassination. The bullets fired from theSchool Book Depository behind the presidential limousine all missed their target. Seconds later, bullets were fired from the grassy knoll, on the front left of the limousine, and two at least hit the President. So it is plausible that two snipers (or two teams of snipers) were used: the CIA sniper was shooting from the sixth floor of the School Book Depository, where some witnesses saw him. He missed purposefully, and then quickly escaped through a back door. Oswald, who was working in the School Book Depository, would be arrested in the afternoon, as planned. The snipers shooting from the grassy knoll were not CIA, and took the CIA by surprise, forcing them into damage control mode.

Meet Jacob Rubenstein

The hijacked plot theory is fully consistent with the profiles of the two main known actors in the drama: Lee Harvey Oswald, the patsy falsely accused of killing the President, and Jack Ruby, the man who killed the patsy and thereby closed the case. Oswald has been extensively investigated, and his CIA, FBI and Military Intelligence connections well documented. But not as much has been written about Jack Ruby; it is unfortunate, because Ruby's trail should logically lead directly to those whom he was covering, and that can only mean Kennedy's true murderers. Few people even know that his real name was Jacob Leon Rubenstein, that he was the son of Jewish Polish immigrants, that he had introduced himself in the Dallas Police station as a translator for Israeli reporters, and that, before dying, he told his defense lawyer William Kunstler, on several occasions, that he killed Oswald 'for the Jews'[2] (his rabbi Hillel Silverman made the same declaration).[3]
Only from Collins Piper do we learn these truly 'unspeakable' things, as well as the fact that Rubenstein was associated with a Jewish international crime syndicate led by Meyer Suchowljansky, aka Lansky, a generous donator to the Zionist cause (his granddaughter, Mira Lansky Boland, became an ADL official). This 'Yiddish Connection' included the infamous Benjamin 'Bugsy' Siegelbaum, one of the bosses of Murder Incorporated as well as the legendary founder of Las Vegas.

JFK-Rubenstein                                                          (1)

Ruby was a friend and associate of Siegel's successor Mickey Cohen. Cohen claims in his memoirs to have been 'engrossed with Israel', boasts of his financial contributions and arms smuggling for the Zionist cause, and, according to Gary Wean who had him under surveillance, had contacts with Israeli terrorist and future Prime Minister Menachem Begin. For those who haven't read Piper's book, it must be said that Ruby is only one of many Zionists involved in the cover-up. Another one is Arlen Specter, assistant counsel to the Warren Commission, who came up with the 'single bullet theory', threatened reluctant witnesses (such as Jean Hill who recounted it to researcher Jim Marrs for his book Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy, 1989), and stubbornly defended it against common sense (sticking to it in his 2000 biography, entitled without irony Passion for Truth).
At his death in 2012, Specter, the son of Russian Jewish immigrants, was officially mourned by the Israeli government as 'an unswerving defender of the Jewish State,' and by AIPAC, as 'a leading architect of the congressional bond between our country and Israel,' while the Committee to Free Jonathan Pollard reminded that he was 'among the first to join the call for Pollard's release.'[4]

The CIA gets double-crossed

Another important clue supporting the 'hijacked plot' theory is the consequence of the assassination. Since the assassination was clearly set up as a false flag operation, with Oswald framed as Castro's agent, it is obvious that the goal was to justify retaliation against Cuba. But that goal was never achieved. Johnson hushed up the rumor of Oswald's communist background, and thwarted the plan for attacking Cuba. Why? The dominant theory among reputedly serious JFK researchers, such as David Talbot[5], James Douglass[6] or Mark Lane[7], fails to answer that question. These authors prove convincingly that a faction within the National Security State (mostly CIA and Pentagon) was desperately trying to start a war against Castro, and that, after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, they were prepared to deceive the President in order to do that. But they fail to demonstrate that the CIA was prepared to assassinate the President: there is a huge difference between setting up a secret operation behind the President's back and committing high treason by murdering their own President. And none of the three authors mentioned above succeed in naming the mastermind of the plot within the CIA; rather, the accusation falls on the National Security State at large, which is far from satisfying.

JFK: THE                                                          ZIONIST                                                          MANIFOLD                                                          COVER-UP
Mossad mole James Jesus Angleton
In fact, the single character who stands out as the most suspicious is James Angleton, who controlled the CIA's Israel Office from 1954 to 1974. His biographer Tom Mangold (Cold Warrior) states: 'Angleton's closest professional friends overseas ['¦] came from the Mossad and ['¦] he was held in immense esteem by his Israeli colleagues and by the state of Israel, which was to award him profound honors after his death.'[8]Angleton played a major role in the cover-up of by acting as intermediary between the CIA and the Warren Commission.
Johnson: mastermind or Zionist accomplice?
Those who accuse the CIA for JFK's assassination credit Johnson for having thwarted the plan for a war with Cuba, which might have led to a world war.But they ignore the massive evidence that Johnson was heavily involved in the plot, evidence gathered by such researchers as Roger Stone[9] or Phillip Nelson[10].
However, those who name LBJ as the mastermind, in turn, fail to explain why the plot was designed as a false flag assassination to accuse Cuba, if Johnson finally intended to thwart that scheme. That Johnson was a psychopath willing to murder to achieve his life-long ambition makes no doubt. But it is impossible to believe that he could deceive and/or control the Federal government, by the sheer power of his manipulative personality, even with complicity from Texas Oil tycoons. Even with the support of FBI director Edgar Hoover, he could not have prevented the media from investigating.
Only the thesis incriminating Israel can solve these contradictions. Israel had a vital interest in eliminating Kennedy. The President was determined to prevent Israel from achieving its goal of a nuclear arsenal, and wrote Prime Minister David ben Gurion that 'this Government's commitment to and support of Israel could be seriously jeopardized'[11] if he didn't comply with his demand of immediate international inspection of the Dimona complex. Ben Gurion retired on the day he received Kennedy's letter, dated June 15, 1963, which may be interpreted as a dive into the deep underworld of secret operations. Kennedy was also committed to the right of return for the nearly 800,000 Palestinian refugees expelled from their neighborhoods and villages in 1947-48, that is, for the implementation of 1948 UN Resolution 194. For these two reasons at least (and there were more, such as the Kennedy's effort to restrict the American Zionist Council, the forerunner of AIPAC, under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938), the Zionists wished Kennedy dead. So did Johnson.

JFK: THE                                                          ZIONIST                                                          MANIFOLD                                                          COVER-UP
Roger Stone's case against Johnson
As a matter of fact, Johnson had always been Israel's man, ever since his 1948 Senate campaign masterminded by Abraham Feinberg, the financial godfather of Israel's atomic bomb, who had already financed Truman's 1948 presidential campaign[12].
His coming to power in 1963 was greeted with relief in Tel Aviv, as commented the Israeli newspaper YedioAhoronot: 'There is no doubt that, with the accession of Lyndon Johnson, we shall have more opportunity to approach the President directly if we should feel that US policy militates against our vital interests.'[13]
Indeed, a growing amount of evidence shows that in 1967 Johnson not only gave Israel a green light for the improperly called Six Day War (a preemptive attack followed by annexation), but had the CIA provide the Israelis with all necessary information to target Egypt's military bases.
Johnson appears to have known in advance of the Israeli false flag attack of the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, and to have planned using it for declaring war on Egypt (officially a Soviet ally).
In 2013, Associated Press reported about newly released tapes from Johnson's White House office showing LBJ's 'personal and often emotional connection to Israel,' and pointed out that during the Johnson presidency, 'the United States became Israel's chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier.' An article from the 5 Towns Jewish Times running under the title 'Our First Jewish President Lyndon Johnson?' elaborates on that and, after recalling Johnson's continuous support of Jews and Israel in the 1940s and 50s, then his role in the crafting of the pro-Israel UN Resolution 242 in November 1967, concludes: 'President Johnson firmly pointed American policy in a pro-Israel direction.
In a historical context, the American emergency airlift to Israel in 1973, the constant diplomatic support, the economic and military assistance and the strategic bonds between the two countries can all be credited to the seeds planted by LBJ.' The article also mentions that, 'Research into Johnson's personal history indicates that he inherited his concern for the Jewish people from his family. His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America.' And, in a additional note: 'The facts indicate that both of Lyndon Johnson's great-grandparents, on the maternal side, were Jewish. ['¦] The line of Jewish mothers can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson's family tree. There is little doubt that he was Jewish.'[14]

The missing link

The only missing link to prove the collusion between Johnson and Israel in the Kennedy assassination would be proof that Ruby was Johnson's man. This link is provided by former Nixon operative Roger Stone who said in an interview with The Daily Caller, that in November 1963, upon seeing Ruby on television, 'Nixon said, 'The damn thing is, I knew this Jack Ruby. Murray [Chotiner] brought him to me in 1947, said he was one of 'Johnson's boys' and that LBJ