Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Obama Administration has been secretly negotiating the terms of a new trade agreement called TransPacific Partnership (TPP) with the help of the largest US corporations . They have refused to send the draft to Congress for review and have not been willing to discuss its terms with the media because according to the former Administration trade negotiator, it would cause such an uproar it would make it impossible for Obama to sign it. Though the Congress must ratify it eventually, Obama is hoping to use what's known as Fast Track which limits congressional debate, prevents amendments and forces a quick vote to minimize public knowledge of it and uproar. According to the leaks, the TPP is NAFTA on steroids and tries to implement the terms of Stop Online Piracy Act which tried to criminalize the most common and basic downloads from the Internet and was so unpopular it was defeated in Congress when it was introduced and make it easier for companies to relocate overseas and undo the restrictions placed on the Banks after they caused the banking crisis in 2007-2008(only on creating the derivatives that caused such havoc which was part of the so-called financial reform act of 2009)  and prevent efforts at reducing the cost of drugs.
Sako Sefiani

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