Friday, September 20, 2019

#SaudisInAVoid; سعودی_ها_در_خیال_باطل#


ترامپ_از_ادعای_قبلیش_که گفته بود# 


از #عربستان_دفاع_میکند_برگشت

Saudis In A Void; Trump Backtracks Earlier Claims The US Would Protect Saudi Arabia (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON/RIYADH – Saudi Arabia, along with Israel, is the main U.S.’ ally in the Middle East. It’s the main customer of American weapons, too. It spent almost $3.5 billion on them in 2018. Still, the country has nothing to show for it. It didn’t help Saudi Arabia when there was an attack on their oil-processing plant. And American weapons didn’t work as intended and marketed, although Saudi Arabia bought a lot of U.S. weapons. The United States provided no assistance. Technical, military or otherwise.
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In this case, the U.S. turned out to have nothing to do with that. Or so does the American President claim. Donald Trump says that the United States didn’t promise to protect anyone (in this case Suadi Arabia). They (U.S.) didn’t promise anything to the country’s leadership. He uses the fact that there were no promises in writing signed by the parties as an excuse for America to intervene.

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