Wednesday, July 17, 2019


 از_اسرائیل_پشتیبانی_می کند#
این خانم،به عنوان، یکی از کسانی که برای رئیس جمهور شدن آمریکا پویش انتخاباتی در درون حزب کثیف دموکرات براه انداخته، بهتر از هر کسی میدونه : واسه رسیدن به این مقام باید ماتحت صهیونیستها را خوب لیس بزنه وگرنه هیییییییچ شانسی نخواهد داشت. پس بی خیال بمباران غزه و نابودی زیر ساختهای اولیه اش:جنایات عدیده، شکنجه، بچه کشی، خراب کردن خونه های فلسطینی ها در ساحل غربی رودخانه اردن،منجمله اورشلیم شرقی، و درختان زیتون چند صد ساله را از ریشه درآوردن و الی آخر...پس زنده باد "زندگی" انگلی کاندیدای آمریکایی برای به قدرت رسیدن و جا خشک کردن در کاخ سیاه!!
تهیه، ترجمه عنوان و پیشگفتار از: پیمان پایدار
"Her initial answer consisted of this word salad: “I think that Israel as a country is dedicated to being a democracy and is one of our closest friends in that region and that we should understand the shared values and priorities that we have as a democracy, and conduct foreign policy in a way that is consistent with understanding the alignment between the American people and the people of Israel.” Unsatisfied, the interviewer followed up: “Does Israel meet your human rights standards to your personal satisfaction?”
Playing for time, Harris asked, “What specifically are you referring to?” before finally answering the question: “Overall, yes.”
This means that Harris sees no problem with Israel’s policy of sending snipers to systematically and deliberately kill unarmed civilians, including children, who protest their internment in the besieged Gaza Strip.
It means she sees no problem with Israel’s skyrocketing demolitions of Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank to make way for Jewish-only settlements – a war crime.
It means she sees no problem with Israel’s military detention and torture of Palestinian children.
It means Harris sees no problem with dozens of Israeli laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens of Israel solely for not being Jewish. These include laws and policies that promote the kind of housing discrimination and official segregation that is banned in the US thanks to the civil rights laws she claims to uphold.
It means she sees no problem with Israel’s recent Nation-State Law explicitly affirming superior rights for Jews over Palestinians.
Kyle Kulinski, an influential left-wing commentator and a founder of the progressive political action committee Justice Democrats, offers a scathing response.
He says that Harris brushing aside Israel’s horrific record shows that her “moral” and “ethical concerns” are “nonexistent.”
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Kamala Harris supports segregation by supporting Israel

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