Friday, April 17, 2020


Weaponized Antisemitism

با توجه به پویش مداوم در لکه دار کردن 'جه رمی کوربین' توسط رژیم صهیونیستی 
من می خواهم "گزارش سالانه ضد سامی گرایی" انگلستان در سال 2014 را 
توسط سی اس ت روشن كنم
(Trust Security Communityودیعه امنیتی کومونیته).

In light of the incessant zionist smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn 
I’d like to bring to light the annual UK “antisemitism report” of 2014 
by CST (Community Security Trust).

سی اس ت  در سال 2014 یک پویش لکه دار کردن فعالان طرفدار فلسطین را
در زمان قتل عام ساکنان غزه توسط  اسرائیل آغاز کرد

CST launched a smear campaign against pro-Palestinian activists in 2014 
during the Israeli massacre in Gaza.

در اینجا تفکیکی از گزارش 2014 ارائه شده است. شما می توانید برای خود قضاوت کنید
:که چگونه گزارش اخیر دستکاری می شود تا کوربین را سرزنش کنند

Here’s a breakdown of that 2014 report. You can judge for yourself 
how the recent report will be manipulated to point the blame at Corbyn:

سی اس ت ادعا می کند که در سال 2014 تعداد 1616 مورد ضد سامی گری را ثبت کرده است.
CST claims to have recorded 1,168 antisemitic incidents in 2014.
“contemporary antisemitic incident offenders will select from a range
of Jewish- related subjects, particularly insults related to the Holocaust or Israel”
No percentages and no differentiation between the holocaust
and “criticizing Israel” but I’ll go on…
From January – July 2014, there were 307 alleged “antisemitic instances”
From July – August 2014, during the Gaza massacre, there were 542 
alleged “antisemitic instances”
CST claimed that the Gaza massacre was the “single biggest contributing factor”
In September, there were also 103 alleged “antisemitic instances”
Which means that October to December saw 216 alleged “antisemitic instances”
*39 per cent of incidents recorded in 2014 showed evidence of political 
motivations or beliefs, while 61 per cent did not.*
The following is very important:
وی ادامه داد: "شایع ترین نوع واقعه تنها در سال 2014 مربوط به سوء استفاده کلامی است
 که به صورت تصادفی علیه یهودیان  در ملاء عام انجام شده است؛ چنین حوادثی معمولاً با رفتارهای ضد اجتماعی
 یا الگوهای محلی جرم خیابانی همراه است تا اینکه به فعالیت سیاسی یا ایدئولوژی  "
“The most common single type of incident in 2014 involved verbal abuse directed at 
random Jewish people in public; such incidents are more commonly associated with
anti-social behaviour or local patterns of street crime than with 
political activism or ideologies.”

These percentages translate as @712 instances that were
NOT “politically motivated”, while 456 were.
Of the 456 incidents that were allegedly “politically motivated”, 258 referencing
Israel and Gaza were allegedly made in July and August.
159 showed far right motivation or beliefs;
38 showed Islamist motivation or beliefs.
So, of the CST total of 1,168 instances of alleged antisemitism:
— @712 were non-political
— @456 were political; of which:
— 159 showed far right motivation or beliefs
— 38 showed Islamist motivation or beliefs.
— 258 referenced Israel and Gaza in July and August
A breakdown of the “Gaza related incidents”:
“There were 110 incidents in July and August 2014 in which more than 
one type of political discourse was used by the offenders. 
In 45 incidents, *the offenders compared Israel or Jews to Nazis.*
“…48 incidents involved the use of phrases such as *“child murderers” 
or “baby killers”*
The alleged “258 [who] referenced Israel and Gaza in July and August” is 
basically the sum total for the entire YEAR. Which means that only when 
Israel was dropping tons of bombs on Gaza, did “criticism of Israel” allegedly
 occur — this in itself is NOT “antisemitic” as long as Jews as a whole aren’t blamed.
That is, 158 of the 258 alleged “Gaza related instances” were online posts lashing out
at the Israeli *military and government* during the massacre in Gaza.


اکثریت قریب به اتفاق موارد ضد سامی گری ضبط شده توسط سی اس ت *غیر سیاسی بودند. *

The vast majority of of alleged antisemitic instances recorded by the CST 
was *non-political.*

یک سوم مواردی که ظاهراً دارای انگیزه سیاسی بودند ، از طرف افراد *راست افراطی بود. *

One third of the allegedly politically motivated antisemitic instances was from
far *right wing individuals.*

گفته می شود که در کمتر از بیست درصد از کل اینها ظاهرا هدف قتل عام در غزه در ژوئیه و آگوست  
بوده است ، اکثراً هدف اسرائیل بود.

Less than twenty percent of the overall total were allegedly aimed at 
the slaughter that went on in Gaza in July and August, MAINLY aimed at ISRAEL.
If we leave the ambiguity of the claims and the dubious, unverifiable METHOD 
of collection to one side and accept the claims at face value, the 
alleged “antisemitism” recorded in the UK was NOT a result of support for Palestine,
even though several pages of this report insinuated this. The main cause were louts, 
drunkards, school kids, the far right, non political scumbags and a lot of reaching. 
Yes, there were disturbing *reports* but what bumped the numbers up were the 
umbrella accusations that lumped people who criticized Israel, in the middle of 
one of the worst cases of mass slaughter in Palestine, in with unstable knuckleheads
and racists calling for the death of all Jews!
تهیه و ترجمه بخشهای از:پیمان پایدار
.هیچ بی گناهی در غزه وجود ندارد"
".ساکنین غزه را درو کنید و بدون فکر و شفقت بکشید
میخائیل بن اری


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