Sunday, October 15, 2017

به یاد بود جنایاتی که اسپانیا در پانصد سال پیش بمدت سیصد سال در قاره آمریکا مرتکب گردید

بمناسبت 12 اکتبر 1492 روز به اصطلاح "کشف" قاره آمریکا, یا بهتره بگیم جنایات/هولوکاست میلیونها نفر از بومیان وغارت/چپاول منابع طبیعی و انباشت اولیه- بدوی- برای بنیانگذاری سیستم منحوس سرمایه داری  

رفیق عزیز و مبارز شیلیائی مان 'سرخیو ری یز'(مقیم بوستون -ماساچوست) ترانه زیر را که شعرش از همرزم شیلیائی اش  'کارلوس مونیز' از شهر 'ول په ره ایزو' شیلی میباشد با صدای دلنشینش اجرا میکند. نام آن "بمن بگو با چه کسی میآیی"ست و ریتم آن از رفقای ونزوئلای است.
امیدوارم خواننده گان و شنونده گان 'نه سخد' از آن لذت ببرند.
پیمان پایدار

ترجمه ترانه به انگلیسی
From Palos Port he left
With his heart full of emotion
Christopher Columbus the admiral
Surrounded by ex cons.

October, 1492 was the year
When a weird man from Genoa
Full of himself, pretty gutsy
Arrived in Spain with his story
And a cape over his shoulders
He said, “Now I will begin
To organize this trip”
And soon with a bunch of savages
From Palos Port he left.

The Santa Maria, the Nina
and the Pinta, were the ships
Which we all know they used
These bandits set sail
Better criminals than sailors
And soon the stage was set
For the drama of this invasion
Which has not ended yet
Pretty bad company he brought
Christopher Columbus, the admiral.

The prisons were emptied
With these men he made his crew
The church gave its blessing
To the criminals and to him too.
The open seas were rough and dark
They didn’t know where they were
In spite of more than one shark
Mutinies and revolts
Columbus arrived at these lands
Surrounded by ex cons.

In the end they destroyed all
Blessed by the Lord and swords
To the terrorized natives
They stole their lives and gold
Three hundred years pillaging
Were the Spaniards in all
Without any consideration
They cleaned out our continent
And when there was nothing left
They became honorable business men.

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