Tuesday, April 30, 2013


مراسم تشییع جنازه
برای سرمایه داری
در بوستون
تجمع آنارشیستهای بوستون برای اول ماه می2013

ساعت 7 شب درایستگاه مترو
 Park Street
مرگ بر سرمایه داری- زنده باد آنارشی
 پیمان پایدار


 تجمع جریانات چپ سنتی 

به استثنای یک گروه* برای اول ماه می 2013 در بوستون
Organized,mostly, by the traditional(authoritarian & reformist)left tendencies in the greater Boston and few other cities around the state of Massachusettes

 Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at Boston City Hall
Gather at 2PM - Rally at 2:30PM
(Court St. & Cambridge St.)
 T stops Government Center (Blue line, Green line)

Other May Day events:

Revere - City Hall - gather at 3:pm begin marching at 3:30 (to Chelsea)
Everett - City Hall - gather at 3:pm begin marching at 3:30 (to Chelsea)
Chelsea - City Hall - rally a 3:pm (wait for above feeder marches to arrive) will begin marching at 4:30 (to East Boston)
East Boston - Central Square - (welcome marchers) Rally at 5:pm

BMDC will join the rally in East Boston immediately following Boston City Hall rally

Supporters: ANSWER Coalition, Boston Anti Authoritarian Movement, Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee, Greater Boston Stop the Wars Coalition, Harvard No-Layoffs Campaign, Industrial Workers of the World, Latinos for Social Change, Mass Global Action, Sacco & Vanzetti Commemoration Society, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party of Boston, Socialist Workers Party, Student Labor Action Movement, USW Local 8751 - Boston School Bus Drivers Union, Worcester Immigrant Coalition, National Immigrant Solidarity Network, Democracy Center - Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridge/Somerville/
Arlington United for Justice with Peace, International Socialist Organization, Community Church of Boston, Dominican Development Center

سرمایه داران همیشه جنایتکار بوده اند
سخنرانی رفیق جیمز هراد
بمناسبت اول ماه می 2012-1391
در تظاهرات میدان شهرداری بوستون
ترجمه از : پیمان پایدار


سرمایه داران همیشه جنایت پیشه بوده اند. آنان برای حفظ  سود آوریشان همیشه حاضر به نابودی تمامیت هر ملتی بوده اند. روز اول ماه می (11 اردیبهشت)نیز از  جنایت سرمایه داران نشات گرفته است. در سال 1886, در شیکاگو, در دوران شدیدی از جنگ طبقاتی ,سرمایه داران 8 آنارشیست(*) را به اتهام واهی و دروغینی گرفتند.چهار نفرشان بعد از دادگاهی نمایشی یکسال بعد بدار آویخته شدند.این اعدامها جرقه ای از خشم و اعتراض بین المللی را برانگیخت . بدینصورت اول ماه می به افتخار شهدای هی مارکت شیکاگو بعنوان روز کارگر جشن گرفته میشود.

حال امروز, 126 سال پس از آن, جنایات سرمایه داران بدون کاهش ادامه دارد,تازه این جنایات به سطوح جهانی  نیزکشیده شده اند. گرم شدن جهانی محیط زیست, که توسط سرمایه داران ایجاد گردیده, پتانسیل کشتن تمامی زندگی بر روی زمین را در بر دارد. این مادر تمامی جنایات است. اما حتی کوچکترین جنایاتشان در حال حاضر هم بعدش و هم نابودیش جهانی می باشد .

بالنتیجه بیش از پیش ضروری می باشد که ما سرمایه داران را شکست دهیم . خوشبختانه, روزنه امیدی پیش روی ماست. مهمترین محققین و تاریخ شناسان سرمایه داری متفق القول هستند که ما درشرف ورود به دورانی از هرج و مرج(که سیرت همیشگی سرمایه داری میباشد-مترجم) می باشیم که هیچ کشوری نخواهد توانست نقش هژمونیک ایفا کند. این به ما فرصتی میدهد تا جهانی پرازکومونیته های مستقل(اتونوم),دموکراتیک,آزاد از سرمایه داری,دولت,دستمزد- بردگی,هیرارشی,بازار,و پول, جهانی بدون مرز یا جنگ بر مبنای صلح و عدالت بر پا سازیم .تاکیدها از منست . 

چگونه میتوان اینکار را کرد؟ این سئوال همیشگی ما بوده است. ما چندین بار سعی کرده ایم. و میبایست کماکان تلاش کنیم. میبایست خلاق باشیم و سعی در ایجاد تاکتیکها و استراتژیهای نوینی بکنیم .یک چیز مسلم است: ما هیچگاه نمیتوانیم سرمایه داری را به شیوه نظامی شکست دهیم.(رژیمها را میتوان مثلا با قیام و مبارزه مسلحانه از سر راه برداشت اما روابط کار و سرمایه را نمیشود با بمب منفجر کرد:مترجم ).اما این به معنی تبلیغ مبارزه غیر قهر آمیز نمی باشد. در حقیقت, ما میبایست آن بحث غلط را از بینش خود برای همیشه بزدائیم . به بیانی دیگر,ما مدعی هستیم که تنها با سازماندهی اجتماعی برتر از آنها ست که میتوانیم سرمایه داران را شکست دهیم .

 چرا ما دو مقوله اخیر استفاده شده در جنبش اشغال وال استریت را در دستور کار خود نگذاشته و سعی در گسترش آن نکنیم؟ اشغال و انجمن ها. هر دوی این تاکتیک(پراتیک)ها همیشه بخشی از جنبش انقلابی بوده اند. بطور مثال: در دوران انقلاب اسپانیا کارخانه ها و مزارع در شهرها و استانهای کلیدی به اشغال درآورده شدند; در دوران انقلاب فرانسه(منظور کمون پاریس 1871 میباشد-مترجم) کارگران در پاریس 48 انجمن را, یکی از برای هر بخش شهر, بر پا ساختند. همین اخیرا, در اوایل سال 1994 در چیاپاس مکزیک, در همه جا انجمنها شروع به رشد کردند,در الجزایر, آرژانتین, بولیوی, اواهاکا(ی مکزیک), یونان, و همین پارسال در مصر, اسپانیا , و دست آخر در نیویورک . 

اگر ما بتوانیم این انجمن ها را بسط داده تا شامل خانواده های گسترده(*)200 نفره یا بیشتر,محله ها , و محل کار گردند, ما شروع به آن شکل از سازماندهی اجتماعی خودمان خواهیم کرد که قادر به شکست دادان سرمایه داران خواهد شد . 

شایستگی(زیبندگی) بسیاری در شعار اخیر وجود دارد:"همه چیز را اشغال کنیم". معنای این چیست!؟ معنایش اینست که در مخالفت با "خصوصی گرداندن"همه چیز و تحت کنترل در آوردن تمامی کمپانی ها توسط سرمایه داران, ما با حرکت خودمان همه چیز را مجددا تحت حاکمیت جمعی(کمون) ,مالکیت عمومی, درآوریم.
سنتا, اکثر مخالفین سرمایه داری معتقد بوده اند که با گرفتن قدرت دولتی , یا از طریق انقلابی قهرآمیز و یا پیروزی در انتخابات ,میتوان سرمایه داری را نابود گرداند.عبث(بیهوده) بودن این تئوری ها ثابت گردیده .    
 بدین ترتیب صرفا دو استراتژی آنارشیستی برایمان می ماند:آنارکو-سندیکالیسم و آنارکومنیسم . بدیهی است،همانطور که قبلا گفتم ,اشغال محیط کارمان, هم انتفاعی و هم غیر انتفاعی, بخش ضروری شکست دادن سرمایه داران میباشد. و طبیعتا,تلاش برای ایجاد کومونیته های دموکراتیک خودکفا نیز همچنین الزامیست. اما ما نیاز بیشتری داریم . من مطمئن نیستم که دیگر وقت کافی برای ساختن جامعه ای نوین در بطن جامعه کهن را داشته باشیم هر چند ما میبایست کماکان  در آن راستا مبارزه  کنیم . مشکل ما در حال حاضر این نیست که چگونه سرمایه داران را شکست دهیم, بلکه چگونه آنها را سریع شکست دهیم . ما همگی نیاز داریم  که شدیدا به این فکر کنیم که چگونه به این امر تحقق بخشیم .



(*)اسامی این رفقا بشرح زیر میباشد:Albert Parsons,August Spies, Adolph Fischer, George Engel,Louis Lingg,Oscar Neebe,Michel Schwab and Samuel Fielden
چهار نفر اول را در 11 نوامبر, 1887 بدار آویختند . پنجمی ( لوئیس لینگ) روز قبل از اعدام در سلول خودکشی کرد و حکم سه نفر دیگر را بعد از "مشخص شدن غیر عادلانه بودن حکم اولیه" تقلیل دادند . قابل توجه میباشد که طبیعتا شخص پرتاب کننده نارنجگ به میان پلیس ها در روز تظاهرات هیچگاه شناخته نشد(خودتان حدس بزنید چه کسی بوده!!) : مترجم,

ادبیات کارگری
دست تو زخمی دست من پینه
 تو داس خشمی من پتک کینه
بازو به بازو در وقت پیکار
با خشمو کینه با پرچم کار
باید دوباره کارگر شد
باید دوباره برزگر شد
باید درو کرد باید که کوبید
باید دوباره از ریشه رویید از ریشه رویید
داس تو تیزو پتک من محکم
نیرو بگیریم از بازوی هم
این مزرعه محتاج بذر است
این کارخانه محتاج کار است
باید درو کرد باید که کوبید
باید دوباره از ریشه رویید از ریشه رویید
نان من از تو نان تو از من
جان من از تو جان تو از من
فریاد با هم پرواز با هم
آزادگی را آغاز باهم


Watch Out, World!: Even Amerika's Wealthy Are Losing Ground

Cognitive dissonance among the US sub-elite means more war and death for everyone else.

By: Daniel Patrick Welch
Occasionally the tip of the iceberg pokes through, and the reported facts corroborate the experience of most of the people. The recent Pew Center report that has now reached broad circulation shows that a full 93% of US households *lost* ground in the much vaunted recovery of 2009-2011. This just validates what we are all living through, glossed over by averages, smoke and mirrors. There is no "recovery." Sectors *within* the top quintile are holding on, barely.

This is the starkest portrayal I've seen in black and white; I had previously been telling anyone who would listen that, while there seems to be a pickup for those in the $250,000 and up range, it is clearly not the case for the bottom 4 quintiles [i.e. $100,000 combined household income 2010]. It should be shocking enough to most middle class types that the real picture is so different from what they believe to be living--that is, that they are actually in the top 8-10%... BUT the data shows even worse. Even families up to $500,000 (!) are losing ground.

This bespeaks the desperation in the political outlook of what Zinn called The Guards and what Chomsky called The Priesthood: people who are doing just fine in the current system but think it needs a few tweaks. As this sector shrinks, the internal contradictions will become more apparent and the response of the state becomes harsher and less elastic. So households with "two good jobs" say $100,000 plus each, are prone to seeing some hope, the famous 'green shoots' mantra that fell on deaf ears for most of us a few years ago. Come on, guys--it *can* work! We all need to just be a bit more patient! Etc.

The political ramifications are quite alarming. This sector is crucial to the viability and perceived legitimacy of the system, and their panic has far reaching consequences. It may just beginning to dawn on them that they, too, will ultimately be left behind in the wealth shift, and that it was never really about them. Slowly but surely, and to varying degrees, they are recapitulating Judas' epiphany [the Andrew Lloyd Weber version, at least]: "My god I'm sick. I've been used--and you knew all the time!" They are just beginning to see that they are facing an uphill battle in a rigged game against the House with a stacked deck--and any other cheesy analogies you want to cram in there--but there is nowhere for them to go.

Paradoxically, the initial wave of reaction to this newfound betrayal by their patrons in the ruling class is not to turn on their masters. It is to express this anger at those below, in the age-old game of shooting the messenger. Consequently, they become even better "shushers," the Seinfeld term for viewers who keep order in a theater. Border collies, gatekeepers... they have always been there, but they were more consciously part of the professional 'left,' an icon of the political class. In the current period, their anger is more desperate and more diffuse: They have always been more inclined, for example, to trust the police, to believe the official version of events, to avoid sources of information considered by their class position and experience to be beyond the Pale. Having rarely, if ever, been on the wrong side of Officialdom, or had to bail relatives out of jail, or had any race-tinged experiences themselves, they are primed and pampered to be the intellectual shock troops of Acceptable Discourse. In the face of increased perfidy on the part of their class betters, they can't (yet) bring themselves to bite what they still perceive as the hand that feeds them. Consequently, they will lash out at the incongruously labeled 'parasites' who they feel are ruining their banquet, even as the din of cognitive dissonance grows inside their heads.

The brutal fallout from this game is apparent all around us, as the body counts rise and the single minded state terrorism of the state apparatus grows ever more horrific in its attempt to maintain their bloated lifestyles through hegemony over the world's resources. This transaction is completely lost on the Shushers--rather, they become its ghoulish cheerleaders, with or without acknowledgement. They are capable, somehow, of rationalizing the complete destruction of country after country--even as they are shown they are being lied into doing so. It is inconsequential to them that their government is funding, arming and training the very Islamic terrorists in Syria and Libya that they are primed to fear elsewhere. The simple mathematical rule of balance and scale demands that they acknowledge and reject the 1000 : 1 ratio of violence ravaging the world in their name, with their money, with their silence at best and enthusiastic endorsement at worst. They just don't give a shit, and their macabre privileging of the relatively few victims among their own--as awful as these surely are--is lost outside the bubble, where the rest of the world grieves for their victims.

The economic consequences of their loss of station scares the shit out of them: while logic and basic morality dictate that they should wake up every morning with the bloody carnage of their own drone army foremost in their minds, they are instead preoccupied with how they can no longer afford an annual pilgrimage to Disney, or that they may have to postpone the kitchen/bath/boat/car upgrade they have been contemplating. If this makes them sound like monsters, it should. There is something epic about the horror of simultaneously having no power over a political system that wreaks such destruction and yet defending that very system as acceptable and benign, without at the very least having been the proverbial canary in the coal mine, the littlest Who shouting 'We are here!' from the tallest available tower. It is more than a sham and a shame. It is a moral crime, a breach of ethical duty that will yield unimaginable consequences when the balance is eventually righted. And yes, for international readers, I do realize the self-absorption of focusing on the internal Amerikan experience, and hear your cries of "Who gives a shit!' inside my head." If you have stuck with me this long, much respect. Sometimes I feel it necessary to speak to and about my Amurkan countrymen from the perspective of one who shares, albeit sometimes tangentially, their experience.

I believe we are living in the time where this shit will all hit the fan. It may take a year or two or ten, but in historical terms we are living in that instant, that one day where, looking back, it will become apparent that everything changed. It is the pivotal moment so brilliantly enacted by the montage at the end of Les Miserables where all social actors, no matter their role or position, sense that something momentous is on the horizon: "Tomorrow we'll discover what our God in heaven has in store. One more dawn. One more day. One day more
Activist Post ~FBI Caught in a Web of Lies
 in Boston


کار و کاسبی جنگ طلبان 

must see Video: The Business of War: SOFEX [A Weapons Trade Show for War Profiteers]

و مهمترین نمایشگاه فروش ابزار جنگی  

The Business of War: SOFEX

Published on Jul 5, 2012
"SOFEX is where the world's leading generals come to buy everything from handguns to laser-guided missile systems. It stands for "Special Operations Forces Exhibition Conference" and it's essentially a trade-show where just about anyone with enough money can buy the most powerful weapons in the world.

The Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference (SOFEX) is a special operations and homeland security event that is held every two years at the King Abdullah I airbase in Marka, Jordan. The specialized event is held under the patronage of King Abdullah II, the supervision of HRH Prince Faisal bin Al Hussein and is fully supported by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF).
SOFEX is the world’s fastest growing and region’s only special operations and homeland security exhibition and conference that features the largest fully integrated and innovative Special Operations Forces equipment and solutions from around the world.

In 2012, SOFEX attracted 33 national pavilions, represented by 323 companies and which attracted thousands of visitors over the 3 day exhibition, including 108 delegations from 56 countries.
The 10th edition of the SOFEX series is set to take place May 5-8, 2014."

US Exhibitors, 2012:

Advanced Defense Systems, Inc.

Advantac Technologies

Alaska Structures Inc

AM General

ARES Defense Systems, Inc.


Aspen Water, Inc.


Aviation Week

BAE Systems

Boeing Defense, Space & Security Systems


Broadcast Microwave Services

Brunswick Commercial and Government Products


Cessna Aircraft Company

Checkmate One

Colt Defense LLC

CommPort Technologies Inc.

Comtech Mobile Datacom

Condor Outdoor Products, Inc

Critical Solutions International

Cubic Defense Applications


Datron World Communications

Defense News

Dillon Aero, Inc.

DRS Technologies


EuroAvionics Navigationssysteme GmbH & Co. KG

Ensign-Bickford Aerospace & Defense Company


FLIR Government Systems

Field Forensics Inc

Gate Keeper

Gerber legendary Blades

General Dynamics Land Systems - Force Protection

Harris Corporation

International Scent Solutions

Imperium Partners Group

iRobot Corporation

ISO Group

ITT Exelis

KMI Media Group

Laser Shot

Lewis Machine & Tool Co.

Lockheed Martin Corporation

LWRC International, LLC

Meggitt Training Systems

Mission Ready

MODUL-X Solutions LLC


Navistar Defense, LLC

Nivisys/Fisher Labs

Nobles Worldwide

North American Surveillance Systems

North Star

Northrop Grumman


Optimum Vehicle Logistics

Oshkosh Defense

Otis Technology


Port-A-Cool, LLC

Powerwave Technologies

Range Systems



Revision Military

Schutt Industries


Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

SKYDEX Technologies, Inc.

Small Arms Defense Journal

Tactical Medical Solutions, Inc.

Tactical Products Group, Inc.

The Association of the U.S. Army



Twisted Pair Solutions

Ultralife Corporation

US Army

US Ordnance, Inc

Via Global Group LLC

Warn Industries

Wild Things LLC