Saturday, January 28, 2017

President Trump :رئیس جمهور ترامپ

 The Trap is Setتله آماده است

The Trump years are going to be crazier than you think.

سالهای ترامپ دیوانه تر از آنی که فکرش را میکنید خواهد بود
Most of the world (the political left in particular) was blindsided by the results of the 2016 election.
To say that some are having a hard time coming to terms with the words "President Trump" and what the next 4 to 8 years will bring, would be an understatement.

Those who told you that a Trump presidency was impossible were quick to remix their pre-election narratives, framing the Donald as something of a Hitler 2.0 and attempting to position themselves as leaders of a new resistance. Self reflection is still off the table.
On the other end of the spectrum you have those who took Trump's promises at face value, and who actually believe he will make America great again, proclaiming the dawn of a new age of conservatism, as the stock market rose to record highs (before he actually took office).
Both sides are utterly unprepared for what's coming.
Let's just cut to the chase.

Is Trump going to usher in a new era of prosperity and innovation,

or is he going to be the one standing in the center ring when the circus tent comes down?

Remember some voted for Trump as political molotov cocktail.

"Trump is a business man" you say, "he's going to make things happen".
punish companies that move factories overseas,
rebuild the military,
restore relations with Russia,
And you know a new arms race would create jobs.

There's a lot to unpack there, and those are debates worth having, however much of this hinges on a variable that Trump doesn't control: the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve has held interest rates near zero for close to a decade.
They also engaged in quantitative easing from 2009 to 2014, accumulating 4.5 trillion dollars worth of mortgage backed securities and treasury notes (they are still holding those assets by the way). This inflated stock and bond market bubbles of historic proportions.

When a friendly face is in the white House, crashes are typically attributed to a war, a terrorist attack or some other external variable (for example 9/11, which masked the unravelling of the tech bubble in 2001). The Trump administration, however, is an excuse in and of itself.
Word is the Fed is leaning towards increasing interest rates aggressively in 2017, and may engage in anti-inflationary measures to offset Trump's infrastructure stimulus plans. That means that the flow of money and credit is about to be tightened. It also means the Fed is setting itself up for a showdown.
If Trump plays by the rules, he will have to wait until 2018 to replace Janet Yellen.
A lot can happen within that timeframe.

Trump's personality is a wildcard.
He's impulsive. He fights dirty, and he fights to win (he also happens to have a history with organized crime).

If Trump goes to war with the Federal Reserve this this could get out of hand in ways that most can't even imagine (especially when geopolitics are factored in).
As a result the U.S. dollar's position as the world reserve currency is going to be in play.

Add to that backdrop a little social unrest on the domestic front.
If recent history serves as any indicator, we can count on seeing some kind of racially charged flash point involving the police during the Trump administration (probably before 2017 is over).

It's also fairly safe to say (given recent history) that some of these protests will turn violent and destructive.
The trend has been towards escalation.
Having Trump in charge will take this to a new level.

Trump ran on a platform of "law and order" and support for the police, which piggy backed on the perception that Obama was undermining law enforcement during his term (in spite of the fact that Obama greatly accelerated the militarization of the police). Just the belief that Trump has their back, is going to influence the police response. They're going to be more confident, more aggressive, and if Trump offers even so much as a word of encouragement, they will go into full crackdown mode (which would of course throw gasoline on a fire).
These tensions have the potential of spinning out of control, especially in the context of an economic downturn, and again Trump's personality is wildcard.
Trump is also about to inherit (thanks to Obama and Bush) the most extensive and technologically advanced surveillance apparatus world has ever seen (Obama expanded the NSA's powers even after Trump won by the way), the power to order extrajudicial assassinations anywhere in the world, and a military which has been authorized (by the NDAA) to detain anyone, anywhere (including U.S. citizens) indefinitely without trial.
To top it off, Trump is filling his administration with former generals. Some with combat and counter insurgency experience. He has everything he needs to implement a full fledged military dictatorship, and the left has no one to blame but themselves.
Trump did not, however, start off on a good foot with the alphabet soup agencies.
He has an enemy contingent in the deep state which wants to take him down, and has the means to do it.
Replacing upper management won't be enough to neutralize this threat. These agencies have black budgets, and off the books programs that defy accountability, and lot's of experience toppling upstart regimes. Failure reign them in could be fatal.

The most important trap however, will be on the geopolitical front.
Years of backing Sunni jihadist in Syria failed to unseat Assad, and Trump has vowed to reverse U.S. policy.
Israel was openly supporting the Sunni axis. They wanted a full frontal regime change in both Syria and Iran for many years, but the Obama administration tied their hands. Then Russia stepped in, tipped the balance, and the Shiite Crescent not only survived, but grew stronger.

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