MUST SEE VIDEO: Interview w/ Tom Woods
("We Who Dared to Say No to War - American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now" ) "Jeffrey Tucker interviews Tom Woods on the topic of Tom''s anthology (edited with Murray Polner), 'We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now.' Recorded in Auburn, Alabama, at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, 21 July 2010. Early excerpts from interview: "... In the 1990's i was all for invading Iraq because that's what my overlords said we needed to do. ...When you stop and think ...what's actually going on here... when a politician simply utters the the word 'war', declares a war ... you utter that word and suddenly activities, that in normal conditions would be considered crimes, become a matter of public policy. How does that happen?! By what kind of magic ... how can this occur, how can this be right? "(in the early 90s) i had to rethink my whole way of thinking; I felt like i'd been had. ... Somehow you just utter the word 'war' and people's rational faculties fall out. ... A politician says 'war' and now arbitrarily the rights of a whole country's worth of people just disappear; they have no rights anymore; if they get killed it's an 'unfortunate mistake.' The policy makers will still have their cocktail parties." [Although we've killed millions of Iraqis] "there's NO response from the American public. ... If there'd been an earthquake in a neighboring country people would have concerts and whatever. But there's nothing; like these people are garbage because our government tells us that. Q: What about America's civic religion that it's because of the war that we're free? "Yea, this is just, this cannot be dislodged from people's heads, and it is utterly irrational. ..." "... The propaganda has been the same for all these wars. How many times can your intelligence be insulted?" “Nothing short of inspirational. It left me in tears.” -Angela Keaton, Development Director, |
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