Book recommendation & MUST see video: "Inside Job" Director Charles Ferguson: Wall Street Has Turned the U.S. into a "Predatory Nation"
DemocracyNow 5/29/2012
"Inside Job" Director Charles Ferguson: Wall Street Has Turned the U.S. into a "Predatory Nation"Two years after directing the Academy Award-winning documentary, “Inside Job,” filmmaker Charles Ferguson returns with a new book, “Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America.” Ferguson explores why no top financial executives have been jailed for their role in the nation’s worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We also discuss Larry Summers and the revolving door between academia and Wall Street, as well as the key role Democrats have played in deregulating the financial industry. According to Ferguson, a "predatory elite" has "taken over significant portions of economic policy and the political system and also, unfortunately, major portions of the economics discipline." [Transcript to come. Check back soon.] "You're better off being born poor in Asia than in the United States" partial transcript: "There's a great deal of now publicly available information from depositions and lawsuits, subpoenas, etc that make it extremely clear that there is overwhelming evidence of massive criminal behavior - and there has not been a single criminal prosecution. ...
over significant portions of economic policy and the political system, and also unfortunately major portions of the economics discipline. [Since deregulation under Reagan] we've seen steady and dramatic growth in the use of money to influence politics and also academia.
and also the cost of running for the Senate or the House, has gone up by a factor of 20 since the late 1970s. This is now many billions of dollars every election cycle, and when you combine that with other similar trends over the last 30 years - the growing divergence between public sector and government salaries, the growing use of revolving door hiring, the growth of the lobbying sector, all of which have exploded over the same period - you get to a situation in which the public sector and the public interest are outspent by very specific, private interests - especially in the financial sector - by literally probably 50 or 100 to 1. ...
going to have to come from below, from the American people. ... It's not going to come from the highest levels of the policy system, and it's not going to come from the highest levels of electoral politics; because to a great extent they have been captured and neutralized by the financial sector and other narrow financially powerful interests groups.
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