The Globalization Of Laughter
Tactica Briefing #33 ~AdBusters
Hey all you believers in a new world out there,May Day wasn’t so great was it… the numbers were low, the maxims weren’t sublime, the excitement didn’t catch on. May 12 was hefty in Europe, reigniting the snuffed Indignados, but the energy did not seem to flow over to here.
Now we’re looking at May 18 ~ 21 when protesters, possibly in Arab Spring numbers, swarm Chicago… Security experts say it will be a challenge the likes of which no American city has had to face – a leaderless, all-consuming non-violent swarm. If we can pull it off in the fierce tradition of Gandhi and MLK, the next few days could become the spark, the eruption, the new spiritual home of our Spring offensive.
On a softer, more aesthetic note, the likelihood of a global #LAUGHRIOT starting May 18 feels especially fresh and new … imagine … the globalization of laugher … millions of people around the world decide to take a few minutes off from their usual routines, get together with friends and pull off a global cascade of riotously laughing flash mobs, transforming the flow of power from the heads of the elite to the bellies of the people.
At a time when our human experiment is buckling under austerity, financial madness and eco-angst, there is something so ludicrous, bizarre, even insane about the eight most powerful people in the world trying to conduct the people’s business – to set things right – from behind closed doors and razor wire fences.
A global #LAUGHRIOT could break through the G8’s veneer of legitimacy and expose the Camp David Summit and our current capitalist model for the farce that it really is.
A global laugh-in could be the relief we’ve all been waiting for: the moment when — in a communal burst of laughter — we the people suddenly wake up to the fact that the only power our leaders have is the power we give them.
Here goes … let’s laugh like we’ve never laughed before,
for the wild,
Culture Jammers HQ
Culture Jammers HQ / Tactical Briefing #30, #31 and #32 / Be present on May 18. Spark the #LAUGHRIOT then swarm Chicago.
Our issue #101 of Adbusters is an inspiring strategic mindbomb. Grab it off newsstands or go to or call Betty at 1-800-663-1243. Adbusters #102 will hit newsstands worldwide mid June. | Updates: Twitter and Facebook
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