Thursday, March 1, 2012

Society(**) for the Preservation of
Our ATM Machine Heritage

By~ Alexander Drywall

In the late 1960s the advanced capitalist nations began installing monuments to the perpetual and timeless flow of capital. These monuments were first installed in prominent locations in the city center and illuminated 24 hours a day. They were extremely popular and often people would wait in line to pay tribute to them. More and more of th...
ese monuments were constructed and now they can be found virtually everywhere.

Commonly known as ATMs (believed to be an abbreviation for Automated Teller Machine) they are more properly referred to as ATM machines (Automated Teller Memorial machines). These wonderful monuments not only serve to call constant attention to the flow of capital and the commodification of the means of daily survival, but also honor the memory of the human interface between man* and money--the bank tellers who willingly sacrificed their lives to a robotic society and faith in the machine. Unfortunately many of the memorials have now fallen into disrepair.

This project serves to rehabilitate both the memory and the functioning of the ATM machine. By placing trained volunteers into the memorial we seek to honor the machine that is honoring the employee. We also seek to provide an opportunity for people to share emotions and memories of their relationship with capital--to “humanize” the experience. The initial phase of our monument rehabilitation effort will focus on repairing the neglect that many of these glorious monuments have suffered by replacing broken and inoperable terminals. As our project continues we will install more and more volunteers into the monuments. Through a vigorous internship program and by soliciting donations with each transaction we hope to soon have the capacity to restore every monument.

*used for alliterative purposes and as a reminder of the patriarchal aspects of our capitalism.

(**)Just to have a good laugh....We need it now & then~PaYmaN P ieDaR

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